Saturday, January 24, 2015
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Composition : A Rickshaw puller

Composition : A Rickshaw pullerPerhaps, Bangladesh is the only country where the rickshaw plays an important role in the field of transport. It is the easiest means of transport in our country. There is hardly any place in Bangladesh where rickshaw pullers and rickshaws are not found. They are largly...
The population growth Of Bangladesh

The population growth Of Bangladesh
The population of a country is a great assist. But it becomes a problem when the country can’t afford to her people the basic needs of life. Bangladesh is a country having an area of about 1,44,000 square kilometers. It is burdened with nearly 150 million...
Composition : My grand mother

Composition : My grand motherMy Grand mother name is Z Begum . She comes of a respectable Muslim family .She can read and wife . Now she is fifty nine . She can move easily. She is gentle leady. She is also very kind. To the poor. She takes great care of all the member of the family . She...
Composition: Physical exercise

Composition: Physical exercise
Physical exercise course the usual society of
the limbs...
Composition : A village market

Composition : A village marketA village market generally sits in an open space either in the center of the surrounding villages or on the bank of a river . Almost the roads of all the villages lead to the market . There are various kinds shops in village market. The villager sell and by...
Monday, January 19, 2015
Write a letter to your father describing him about the preparation for the scholarship examination.

Write a letter to your father describing him about the preparation for the scholarship examination.My dear father,I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine. You are eager to know about my preparation for the scholarship examination.Our scholarship...
Letter : Write a letter to your father requesting him to send some money for buying new books.

Write a letter to your father requesting him to send some money for buying new books.My dear father,I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine. You will be glad to know that I have been promoted to class vi (occupying the first position). Our class...
Letter : Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony/ your birthday party.

Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony/ your birthday party.My dear X,At first take my cordial love. I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine. You will be very glad to hear that I am going to observe my birthday on 15th march/ the marriage ceremony...
Letter : Write a letter to your friend how you spend your leisure time.

Write a letter to your friend how you spend your leisure time.
My dear shuvo,At firstly get my pleasant love. I hope you are fine by the loveliness of Allah. I am also very well. You have wanted to know about my leisure time. I am giving you a short description about my leisure time.Leisure refreshes...
You want to know the way to the bus station

You want to know the way to the bus station.
Myself: Excuse me, would you please help me?The man: Sure, how can I help you?Myself: Could you tell me the way to the bus station?The man: Yes, go up to the end of this road and then turn right. The bus station is on the left.Myself:...
You want to know the importance of Calendar

Dialog :
You want to know the importance of Calendar.
Myself: Hello! How are you?
Anika: I have a calendar for you.
Myself: Thanks. Could you please tell me about the importance of a calendar?
Anika: Of course. It is very important thing to us. We can know the date from the calendar.
You want to know how your friend spends his leisure time

You want to know how your friend spends his leisure time.
Myself: Hello! How are you?Anika: I am fine and you?Myself: I am also fine. Can I ask you a question?Anika: Sure.Myself: How do you spend your leisure time?Anika: I spend my leisure time gardening. It gives me pleasure and keeps me fit.Myself:...

WATER POLLUTIONWATER pollution means the ways in which the water is polluted. Water is an important element for human environment. It is essential for human, plants and other life. Water can be polluted by many ways. Farmer use fertilizer and insecticide in their fields. The rain and...

A school magazine is a magazine that contains the writings of the teachers and the students of a school. Almost every well established school publishes it every year. It contains poems, articles and short stories. The publication of a school magazine is a very difficult task....

A tea stalls a ordinary sight in our state.
It is establish in towns, cities,...
Load shedding

Load shedding
Load shedding means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load shedding occurs when production of power is less than demand and also unplanned distribution of power. It creates a serious problem in the economic development of a country. The running houses, mills, industries, hospitals...
A book fair

A book fair
Book fair is an display of books. Now a day’s book fair has turn into very popular. It has created a brains of attention for books. All shorts of books-fictions, book books, dramas, children books are displayed there. There are also food and drink stalls. A book fair become crowd particularly...

A village market is an important place to the villagers. The villagers buy and sell their daily goods in a village market. A village market generally sits in an open place of the village. Usually A village market is divided into three section-open place, temporary shops and permanent...
My Home Town

My Home Town
The name of my home town is Manikganj. It is a district headquarters and only 35 kilometers west of Dhaka. It is very nice and quiet. The area of Manikganj town is 15 square kilometers. The river Kaliganga flows across the town. There are almost one million people in the town. There are...
Leisure Time

Leisure Time
Leisure time means time free from work or other activities. Leisure refreshes our mind and makes us happy. A man should enjoy leisure time. Otherwise life will be meaningless. Routine work makes life boring and monotonous. Leisure is essential to enjoy life. Enjoying leisure time varies...
Favorite Game

Favorite Game
I am always fond of games and sports. Football is my favourite game. It is a very common and popular game in Bangladesh. It is not an expensive and time killing game. The game is played between two teams. Each groups has eleven players. I play football in my school field with my friends...
My Daily Life

My Daily Life
I am a student. I strictly maintain a daily routine. I get up early in the morning. After brushing my teeth and washing my hands and face I say my prayer. Then I go out for a walk. After the walk I sit down to learn my lessons and do my homework. At 9.30am I take my bath, eat my meal and...
Common Birds of Bangladesh

Common Birds of Bangladesh
The crow is a common bird of Bangladesh. It is deep black and ugly bird. Its voice is harsh. Its body is covered with black feathers. The crow has two legs with sharp nails, two large wings and two strong fills. It is seen everywhere. It is a thief by nature. It takes away...
A Beggar

A Beggar
One who begs for alms is called a beggar. The beggar is common sight in Bangladesh. Beggars are different kinds some can walk, some limb, a few move on push carts. Begging is regarded as a serious social problem because it encourages idleness and apathy to work. Many...
A Book Fair

A Book Fair
A book fair is a fair for selling and displaying books. A book fair is usually arranged on the important days of a year. Sometimes any institution or a group of books are found on miscellaneous...
A Stormy Night

A Stormy Night
A stormy night is really dreadful and horrible. It occurs specially in the month of chaitra and baishakh. In a stormy night the sky is overcast with clouds. The winds blows violently from all directions. Sometimes there is lighting occasionally thunders roar. People shudder in...
A Devastating Flood I Experienced

A Devastating Flood I Experienced
Bangladesh is a country which experience natural disaster almost every year. I experience various sports of natural disasters in my life as I am a son of this soil. Among all these calamities, the devastating flood in the year of 1988 is still, vivid in my memory....
A Railway Station

A Railway Station
A railway station plays an important role in the system of train communication of a country. It is a place where trains stop to take in and t o d r op down passengers and goods. If it is a big station, it remains busy almost all the time of the day and night. Every station has one...
My Mother

My Mother
My mother’s name is Afifa Begum. She is about thirty eight years old. She is a house wife and she works in our house and yard. Every day she looks after our family. She cleans the house and cooks food for us. She looks after the chickens and also sews our clothes. She is a member of Bangladesh...
A Railway Station
A Railway StationA railway station is a place where different kinds of rails came, stand and start from. A railway station is a crowded and nosy place, Both passengers and coolies remain busy. There may be waiting room for the passengers. When a rail comes up, the passengers fall...
A Village Garden

A Village Garden
A suitable piece of land is needed for a vegetable garden. The piece of land must be sunny. Water must not stand on it during the rainy season, before planting vegetables the piece of land gas to be prepared well and removed from the soil. In a vegetables garden we can grow all sorts...
Our Collage Canteen

Our Collage Canteen
A college canteen is a refreshment center for the students. It is necessary to have a canteen in the college premises. The food and snacks supplied by outside restaurants are usually sub standard and injurious to health. So, students can get hygienic food in the college canteen....
If I Win A Lottery

If I Win A Lottery
Most of the people of the world get allured by the term ‘lottery’. And I am not an exception. Often I feel tempted to buy lottery tickets. I bought some lottery tickets last year but my luck did not favor me. Even then I like to buy lottery conducted by attracted by a banner which...
Sunday, January 18, 2015
My Neighbors

My Neighbors
We live in society as we are social beings. I have got different sorts of neighbors. Some are honest and some of them are dishonest. Some neighbors are co-operative while others are self-centered. Co-operative neighbors stand beside our family when ever we are in any problem. But some neighbors...
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